Impact of Social Media on Moral Values

Apparently, social media has had significant effects on moral values in society. Social media are internet platforms that enable its users to develop and as well share content or engage and take part in social networking whereas moral values are a set of standards of good as well as evil which are tasked for governing a person’s behavior. It is reported that social media usage has significantly negatively impacted people’s moral behaviors and mostly children being victims of this. This blog will, therefore, bring into light how the use of various artifacts has influenced individual moral values.

Fig 1: A child experiencing cyber bullying in social media from her friends

The picture in figure 1 exhibits how some children experience cyberbullying from their friends or other people in social media platforms. Specifically, the girl standing seems unhappy with a grin on her face as she stares at her phone while her friends at a distance using their phones while giving mocking glances at the other girl.

Based on this picture, it seems the children have lost respect for each other and become hostile to their friend due to the influence of their use of social media. Social media tend to be insightful and due to the peer pressure in insights among the users, they tend to turn their back on their friends bully them and treat them with hostility. A number of cyberbullying have been reported, and this has been connected to the wide use of social media which has made its users develop hostility against each other.

Fig 2: Social media meme

Figure 2 illustrates a social media meme with a man’s image with some text saying “I just farted that’s as close to me giving a shit as you’re going to get.” Essentially, the image has a twisted sense of humor with a total lack of moral sense.

With regards to this meme, the man in the image is shown to be pointing a figure which morally it is a sign of disrespect. Moreover, the text “I just farted that’s as close to me giving a shit as you’re going to get.” This statement lacks respect and integrity. This indicates that people no longer value the respect and integrity. Social media is gradually eradicating the moral values among its users especially children making them be arrogant and disrespectful.

This video is about a naked statue of President Donald Trump made by supporters against his presidency in New York City. More emphasis on the statue made has been placed of the size of the penis which has been made tiny. Moreover, some texts have been saying “The emperor has no ball.” This video is a humiliation to Donald Trump and shows disloyalty to the president, lack of respect and cooperation.

According to this video, President Donald Trump is humiliated, disrespected. As the president of the United States of America, he deserves to be respected and obeyed. The acts and statue in the video is a clear sign of disloyalty. Moreover, the video proves to cause some influence and incitement based on the comments that people have given to that video supporting this act. This clearly indicates that social media has significantly impacted people’s moral values.