Palaeolithic Era Significance, Characteristics and Changes Free Essay

The Palaeolithic era takes a larger part of world history. This period made a substantial contribution to human, cultural and technological development characterized by the use of tools made from chipped stones (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). We relate our current technology levels with the Paleolithic era technology as the foundation of technology and appreciate the rapid development of technology and civilization. This paper seeks to discuss the significance of the Palaeolithic period which makes it vital to discuss, substantial traits of the Paleolithic societies and the main changes that occurred after the Paleolithic period including the causes that led to the changes.

The Paleolithic period contributed a lot to cultural development, human development and civilization hence making it important to discuss. In this era, Paleolithic people invented tools made from stones. These stone tools generate an insight into us of the cultural development. Both their hunting and gathering methods and the stone tools were part of their culture. Technological tools and strategies were first used by this people after advancing from traditional indigenous tools such as chopped sticks (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). Eventually, they developed the use of hard stones referred to as flint which was a major invention to make tools which had sharp edges. For example; hand axe.

As time went by, more upgraded tools were developed by the early people. Weapons such as spears and arrows were developed to use in hunting large animals and tools like harpoons to hunt small animals (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). The tools with sharp edges were used by the early people in cutting plants and as well utilize scrapping tools in cleaning animals’ hides so as to use them in making clothes and as well for sheltering. However, people began developing smaller and sharper tools towards the completion of Paleolithic Age. They came up with an extensive technology by crafting needles out of bones and thus making nets, baskets and sewing hides for use as clothing. As a result, this technology led to the development of complex farm tools and created an influence in areas of settlement.

Moreover, language was the major significant invention in the Paleolithic period. As a matter of fact, scientists assert that language played a major role in aiding human activities such as the creation of tools, the establishment of settlements, the institution of social hierarchies amongst others (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). If it were not for the language, I would not have been possible to achieve these. Also, we get an insight of creativity and group structure from their artwork including paintings in caves and portable art. They reveal an urge to share information, express feelings and transfer culture from generation to generation. Therefore, understanding the Paleolithic period enables us to significance intergeneration transfer of culture.

However, the Paleolithic people portrayed some characteristics. The Paleolithic people were nomads. They migrated collectively in 30 member groups. Hunting and gathering were their means of survival (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). Their major activity entailed seeking food which was usually a hard task. Nonetheless, they had to be brilliant by getting to know which types of animals for hunting and plants for eating. The types of animals the Paleolithic people hunted depended on their areas of residence. Those who lived along the coastal areas would practice fishing while those who live in terrestrial areas would hunt animals such as buffalo and other land animals.

The Paleolithic people practiced role sharing whereby men and women carried out different tasks. Men did hunting and were expected to learn animal’s behavior and strategies for hunting them such as developing tracking methods (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). Before they used clubs in hunting but eventually after the development of complex tools eased their hunting. On the other hand, women had to stay at their homes which were usually situated near a water source and take care of the children while also had to go gathering wild fruits such as berries. In order to survive, everyone was entitled to work.

After the Paleolithic era, they experienced some transformation that affected their way of living in order to survive. Climate change, especially during the ice age, impacted the Paleolithic people and their way of living. The early people who lived in areas experiencing cold climate had to develop clothing made from animal hides to keep warm. They had to seek shelter in places like caves and under huge rocks. As a result of this cold climate, people knew establishes their shelters. People began to set up tents and huts made out of animal hides and wood. Some even used ice and snow to set up shelters in cold areas. In areas with scarce wood, they would use bones from dead large animals as frames to construct shelters. However, those who lived in warm climatic areas required less clothing (First Peoples; First Farmers, n.d.). Moreover, to encounter the difficult life the Paleolithic people were undergoing, they invention of fire made a significant change in their lives. They used fire to warm themselves, use for lighting and as well scaring animals during hunting.

In essence, the Paleolithic period is the basis of cultural, human and civilization development. It is evident that Paleolithic period made a substantial contribution to human development which is therefore essential to discuss. Moreover, the Paleolithic people characteristics give an insight on human advancement through time including the transformations and changes that occur with time in human development.