Digital Maps

Discussion Topic 1:

Apparently, analog mapping it at the moment viewed to be outdated and it is gradually approaching extinction. Personally, I find digital maps (mobile mapping) being convenient and very reliable than analog maps. Today, instead of using analog maps when seeking guidance for directions and location of my destination I resort to digital maps such as google maps rather than being armed with analog maps. Since the introduction of digital maps especially in form of mobile phone applications, I quitted using analog maps such as charts which are bulky and tend to be inconvenient. The current world has greatly embraced technological advancement in various fields including mapping due to its reliability (International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Ruas, & Gold, 2008). Most people prefer to save time and convenience and since digital mapping tends to provide the required information such as directions in real time, fast and accurate.

In this era, people tend to be much fascinated with technology and depend a lot on technology since it eases their work. For instance, the operation of mobile maps is quite easy as compared to analog maps. Online and mobile maps are very important since providing accurate information because of their ability to provide guidance on how to operate and read the map thus creating convenience on their use and make it fun to use it (International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling et al., 2008). They also provide timely information required thus saving time. In contrary, the online and mobile mapping is not reliable in areas without internet connectivity. Unlike analog maps, they only operate under internet connection. Without the internet, online mapping does not operate. Additionally, information can also be manipulated or distorted by viruses hence ending up providing falsified information.