1. This article and topic on the sociology of globalization: \”Globalization and the Sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein\”2. You will write an annotated outline that summarizes and sociologically examines

1. This article and topic on the sociology of globalization: \”Globalization and the Sociology of Immanuel Wallerstein\”2. You will write an annotated outline that summarizes and sociologically examines

2. You will write an annotated outline that summarizes and sociologically examines what you have learned in the reading. An annotated outline asks you to organize the main ideas of the paper. You include more in-depth notes and analyses than just a simple summary. I want to see that you can connect with the readings, dissect them, and successfully synthesize the key terms, concepts, debates, and theories. Explain what this all means. The summary is the “who” and “what,” while the analysis is the  “why\” and \”how.\” Follow this 3-step model:

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