I found this question to be very interesting. I kept thinking, \”what is real gratitude?\” I believe everyone has their own definition of real gratitude. It took me a bit to fully understand gratitude, but I see it as the following: when one is appreciative of their everyday events and experiences. This would also include negative experiences. There was one experience in which I had a hard time forgiving someone. I was carrying so much anger and resentment for a good while until I realized I was letting those emotions consume/control me. I finally had a moment where it hit me, I did not want that person who caused me so much betrayal to have that certain power over me. In the forgiving chapter of our textbook, it states forgiveness is letting go of negative emotions. Additionally, you are no longer in the victim position. In my opinion, this type of forgiveness cannot happen without gratitude. Gratitude brings clarity into every experience, even negative ones and helps you thoroughly appreciate what you have overcome and how you have grown. Although I forgave someone which caused me to experience gratitude, I do not think you have to be necessarily forgiving (as in speak to that person and say “I forgive you”) to have those same emotions. As you are dealing with it and overcoming whatever it might be, there is a part of you that can begin to feel grateful and free.