I would have to say that I do believe music and film could become a gateway into new realities, and would even argue that it already has done so. When we look at how much time and effort is spent in the arts, some would even go as far to say things such as, \”Music is my world. Music is my escape.\” etc. I believe music and film provides an outlet where a new, better reality can be created to our liking. It gives us the ability to create an entirely new persona where we are not bound by the limits of reality and our physical being. It\’s similar to the social media world, in my opinion. In the world of art a doctor for example, can be transformed through music to feel as if she is a rock star, or anything she is interested or curious about embodying. I know I have had multiple times where I am reading a book and become engulfed in the world of the main character, to the point where I feel as though I am the main character. I believe film and music provide this same experience of new realities, but on a completely larger, more vivid scale.