(1) Upon browsing the given website, I found interest in the industry category. Specifically, I found the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate industry to be intriguing. This drew my attention because within

Upon browsing the given website, I found interest in the industry category. Specifically, I found the Finance/Insurance/Real Estate industry to be intriguing. This drew my attention because within society, these occupations typically do well financially. \”In finance, the labor market values the assets that financial operatives take with them from one firm to another, such as knowledge, know-how and customers\” (Godechot, O. 2014:25). When clicking the industry tab on the opensecrets.org website, a chart displays. It shows the 2021-2022 sector totals, with Finance/Insurance/Real Estate being ranked second. It breaks down different percentages of political contributions, recipients, etc. The total amount accrued before splitting it among different avenues was $583,861,509. If one was to just glance at that amount, not knowing where it was all going, they would think everyone in the category knows how to play their cards right. Yet, those who work in this industry are often logical and strategic, so they can receive the best possible outcome.

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