Here\’s your chance to become an artist or producer for a band of the 1960\’s. Choose a band (The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane/Airplane, The Doors, Janis Joplin, or Jimi Hendrix) and design an entirely new cover for one of their albums. I recommend you visit (Links to an external site.) (Opens in a new tab. To close the tab with your keyboard press Ctrl+w, or Ctrl+F4) to look up their recordings (type in the band name, click on Popular Music on the left hand side to limit your search to Audio CD\’s only). View a few of their album covers and then draw a new cover that is creative and reflective of the 1960\’s. Try to avoid pictures of the band and focus more on artistic endeavors. Sexuality was a very important part of the 1960\’s, but please keep your covers \”clean\”.